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00:22 Purpos​e of Routin​es

Larry discusses the purposes of routines in tennis. A key message is that consistent behaviors create consistent focus and performance.

04:28 Purpos​e of Betwee​n Points Routin​es

Larry describes the state players attempting to reach prior to each point.

06:21 Differ​ent Types of Betwee​n Points Routin​es

Larry talks about the different types of routines that an elite player should be using including green, yellow and red light routines.

14:57 4 Stages of a Betwee​n Points Routin​e

Larry describes and demonstrates the 4 stages that occur between points.

16:30 Respon​se Stage of Betwee​n Points Routin​e

A demonstration of the first stage of the Green Routine - Response to the point.

22:51 Pacing of Routin​es

Discussion about the pace of the routine and if players should speed up when they have momentum.

26:31 Showin​g Positi​ve Emotio​n and Energy

Larry discusses the need for players to show more positive energy on the court and how to manage negative emotions on the court.

29:44 Recove​ry Stage of Betwee​n Points Routin​e

A demonstration of the recovery stage of the Green Light Between Points Routine. Included is a demonstration of deep breathing between points.

32:12 Refocu​s Stage of Betwee​n Points Routin​e

A demonstration of the refocus stage of the Green Light Between Points Routine. Players must move on from the last point and focus on the current point. A discussion ensues about using on court cues to make this transition.

39:04 Ready Stage of the Betwee​n Points Routin​e

A demonstration of the ready stage of the Green Light Between Points Routine. Players should stop analyzing and begin trusting what they will do during the next point.

41:06 Variat​ions in Routin​es

Larry discusses some ways that players must adjust their routines including understanding developmental teaching of routines and adapting to your opponent's pace.

47:39 Restar​ting the Routin​e

Larry demonstrates when and how players should restart the routine.

49:13 Syncin​g Deep Breath​s to Create Readin​ess

A discussion about how players can sync their breathing within their routine to manage nerves, recover better, and be ready to play each point.

52:03 Lockin​g-in Focus Prior to Point

A demonstration of how to lock-in the focus prior to playing the point. This includes how to do centering.

59:03 Yellow Light Routin​es

Larry demonstrates the Yellow Light Routine and how it meshes with the Green Light Between Points Routine.

1:04:4​7 Practi​cing Routin​es

A discussion about the importance of practicing routines.

1:06:0​0 Indivi​dualiz​ing Routin​es

A discussion about how to create routines that fit the player.

1:09:0​9 Red Light Routin​es

A discussion about the Red Light Routine used when a player is struggling.

1:13:3​2 Shadow​boxing​

A discussion about using shadowboxing or combining visualization with movement to help players to get over the last point and be ready for the next point. Also, discussed as a way to prepare for matches.

1:15:3​1 Eye Moveme​nts On Court

A discussion about controlling eye movements on the court.