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Medvedev Plays One Shot Ahead Bringing Djokovic to Net and Lobbing Him

00:04 Medved​ev Plays One Shot Ahead Bringi​ng Djokov​ic to Net and Lobbin​g Him

Medevedev chooses to play the serve +1 backhand dropshot as Djokovic is fairly deep behind the baseline to return serve and then uses the combination of a lob and pass to win the point

Barty Playing One Shot Ahead Bringing Muchova to Net and Passing Her

00:07 Barty Playin​g One Shot Ahead Bringi​ng Muchov​a to Net and Passin​g Her

Barty uses the slice backhand to draw Muchova into the net and hits a clean winner passing shot

Nadal Playing One Shot Ahead With A Two Part Passing Shot

00:06 Nadal Playin​g One Shot Ahead With A Two Part Passin​g Shot

Nadal playsi one shot ahead by dipping his backhand passing shot at the feet of Tsitsipas to force him to volley up and then passes him cleanly with the next shot.