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00:15 Presen​ting video from the Taggin​g module

The advantage of presenting from the tagging module is the immediacy of being able to search for events and show them. This section shows how to do that to best effect.
You'll also see here a tip on how to make presentation playlists using keyword buttons on your tagging panel.

01:28 Keyboa​rd shortc​uts

The list of playback keyboard shortcuts can be found in the Control menu.

02:08 Presen​ting video from the Analyz​er Storyb​oard

The Analyzer offers a better way of preparing and delivering a presentation for these reasons:
- A Storyboard can be prepared and saved
- Analyzer features such as drawing tools can be used for 'chalkboarding' during the presentation
- Other analyzer tools can be used to save highlights movies, create anlaysis recordings and add annotation.