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00:14 Sharin​g from Dartfi​sh Expres​s

Because you can record directly into a cloud collection, there is no need to use a separate upload process. Simply record into a Cloud Collection, or move content into a Cloud Collection from the local collection.

00:59 Dartfi​sh Softwa​re

SHARE - video files from the libarry
MEDIABOOK - analysis from the analyzer
UPLOAD GAME - the tagged game files
UPLOAD HIGHLIGHTS - selected events rendered as a new video

01:29 Your Smart Cloud in a browse​r

You can find your cloud at www.dartfish.t​v
- Manage content
- Share links
- View analysis

01:55 Sharin​g links

Links shared to Smart Cloud content are limited links. This makes access easy because recipients of the link do not need to create an account to view content.

Your audience can view and share content, but they cannot download it.