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00:29 Goal

Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 1. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

00:56 Goal

Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 1. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

01:10 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 1. Quarter

01:27 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 1. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

01:36 Mark

Highlights - Mark
Period - 1. Quarter
Team - Nairne

01:46 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 2. Quarter

02:10 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 2. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

02:18 Goal

Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 2. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

02:39 Goal

Contender - Goal of the Week
Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 2. Quarter
Team - Nairne

03:02 Goal

Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

03:14 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 3. Quarter

03:44 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

03:59 Mark

Highlights - Mark
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

04:14 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

04:21 Goal

Contender - Goal of the Week
Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

04:48 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 3. Quarter

05:01 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Nairne

05:14 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 3. Quarter

05:30 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

05:46 Goal

Contender - Goal of the Week
Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 3. Quarter
Team - Nairne

06:15 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 4. Quarter

06:29 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 4. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

06:43 Goal

Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 4. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

07:20 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 4. Quarter

07:36 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 4. Quarter
Team - Nairne

07:47 Goal

Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 4. Quarter
Team - Hahndorf

08:05 Goal

Goal Type - Open Play
Highlights - Goal
Period - 4. Quarter
Team - Nairne

08:37 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 4. Quarter
Team - Nairne

08:57 Set-Sh​ot Build Up

Highlights - Set-Shot Build Up
Period - 4. Quarter

09:15 Goal

Goal Type - Set Shot
Highlights - Goal
Period - 4. Quarter
Team - Nairne