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00:49 First Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 1. Quarter

29:13 End of First Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 1. Quarter

29:20 Second Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 2. Quarter

59:22 End of Second Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 2. Quarter

59:28 Third Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 3. Quarter

1:27:4​9 End of Third Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 3. Quarter

1:27:5​4 Fourth Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 4. Quarter

1:57:1​0 End of Fourth Quarte​r

Action - Centre Bounce
Period - 4. Quarter