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00:04 Gate 1 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 1
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:05 Gate 2 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 2
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:08 Gate 3 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 3
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:13 Gate 4 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 4
Gate color - red
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Upstream side - Right
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:18 Gate 5 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 5
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:21 Gate 6 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 6
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:25 Gate 7 (2)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 7
Gate color - red
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 2
Phase - Final
Upstream side - Left
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:29 Gate 8 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 8
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:33 Gate 9 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 9
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:37 Gate 10 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 10
Gate color - red
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Upstream side - Right
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:43 Gate 11 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 11
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:45 Gate 12 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 12
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:48 Gate 13 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 13
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:51 Gate 14 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 14
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

00:55 Gate 15 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 15
Gate color - red
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Upstream side - Left
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

01:06 Gate 16 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 16
Gate color - red
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Upstream side - Right
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

01:10 Gate 17 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 17
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

01:12 Gate 18 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 18
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

01:15 Gate 19 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 19
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

01:18 Gate 20 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 20
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

01:22 Gate 21 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 21
Gate color - red
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Upstream side - Left
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00

01:28 Gate 22 (0)

Bib - 1
Category - WC1
Country - BRA
Date - 2020-10-18
Event - 2020-World-Cup-1
Gate - 22
Gate color - green
ICF Id - 35327
Location - Tacen (SLO)
Name of athlete - SATILA Ana
Penalty - 0
Phase - Final
Result: 93,64(2) 0.00