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Serena Williams 1st Serve

00:00 Start

The first parameter for the serve is a grip close to continental. On the first serve, a grip close to Continental allows the player to hit to different placements with of spin and power .

00:04 Releas​e

The second parameter for the serve is the release. A consistent toss is important for a reliable service motion and Serena does several things that make her toss effective. First, she tosses the ball in-line with her front foot and releases the toss just above head high in a controlled manner. The toss is well coordinated with the rest of the motion which allows Serena to toss the ball just high enough to permit for full extension at contact.

00:09 Loadin​g

The third parameter for the serve is proper loading. The player may choose to use the platform or pinpoint stance as both allow for effective loading mechanics. In this example, Serena is using a pinpoint stance which is highlighted by the yellow line. The blue and green lines illustrate proper shoulder and pelvis lateral rear tilt. Notice that Serena has significant yet appropriate knee flexion (110 + - 10 degrees ) and using both legs to create ground force up the kinetic chain.

00:11 Cockin​g

The fourth parameter for the serve is a proper cocking position where the racket head is driven down towards the ground by effective leg drive externally rotating the shoulder. Notice the hip over hip/shoulder over shoulder position as the body remains perpedicular to the baseline and the non-dominant hand tucks into the waist.

00:11 Accele​ration​

The fifth parameter for the serve is proper acceleration. The acceleration phase is where all the previously stored energy generated through the kinetic chain is released. The most effective servers have faster acceleration than ineffective servers and the production of power is dependent on strength and coordination of the previous links.

00:11 Contac​t

The sixth parameter for the serve is proper contact. The picture in picture effect illustrates Serena's full extension of the upper body at contact. Notice that her non-dominant hand is tucked into her waist and that the point of contact is clearly forward into the court.

00:12 Decele​ration​

The seventh parameter for the serve is proper deceleration. Deceleration or the follow through is where the loads generated in the upper and lower body are dissipated. Serena has completed the long-axis rotation (a combination of internal shoulder rotation and forearm pronation) resulting in her racket face pointing towards the side of the court.

00:14 Finish

The eighth parameter for the serve is a proper finish. Notice that Serena has landed about one foot into the court on her left foot. She is well-balanced with her right leg and left arm acting as counterbalances and her eyes are focused on the opponent’s return.